2022 Digital Trends and Museums

A new year and another digital trends post. Were things much different to this post I did in 2021? Well yes, and no…

In the interests of time (i.e. laziness!) I’ve collated a bunch of sources below that I’m referencing for some client work:

Plus, these posts via Ed Rodley from The Experience Alchemists’ workshops held with the Texas Association of Museums:

And, as to the “what was different?” question, my take is:

  • Looking into what NFTs can do / might mean for our sector
  • Increased availability of tools to aid accessibility
  • AR / VR and AI
  • Increased emphasis on sustainability for digital programming – being able to keep a project going internally with tools that can be managed in-house
  • Continuing importance of digital literacy
  • Increase in immersive experiences (and whatever we think about them, visitors generally love them!)
  • A focus on personal health and wellbeing

Thanks to all the authors above for sharing their great work.

And, this image below is feedback from an evaluation I did where immersion was spontaneously mentioned by participants … some food for thought!

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